About the Author
David Goldfrank is Professor of History and Director of Medieval Studies at Georgetown University. Primarily a specialist in pre-modern Russian history, his books include The Monastic Rule of Iosif Volotsky (Kalamazoo, 1983; rev. ed., 2000); The Origins of the Crimean War (London, 1993); A History of Russia: People, Legends, Events, Forces (with Catherine Evtuhov, Lindsey Hughes, Richard Stites, Boston/New York 2003); and Nil Sorsky – The Authentic Writings (Kalamazoo, 2008). He is currently working on a monograph on Iosif and a critical translation of his Prosvetitel′, as well as preparing for publication the late Andrei Pliguzov’s collection of 268 documents, The Archive of the Metropolitans of Kiev and all Rus′.
David Goldfrank, Valeria Nollan, and Jennifer Spock, eds.New Academia Publishing, 2017
412 Pages, 42 Illustrations
ISBN 978-0-9981477-3-4 Paperback
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About the Author
David Goldfrank is Professor of History and Director of Medieval Studies at Georgetown University. Primarily a specialist in pre-modern Russian history, his books include The Monastic Rule of Iosif Volotsky (Kalamazoo, 1983; rev. ed., 2000); The Origins of the Crimean War (London, 1993); A History of Russia: People, Legends, Events, Forces (with Catherine Evtuhov, Lindsey Hughes, Richard Stites, Boston/New York 2003); and Nil Sorsky – The Authentic Writings (Kalamazoo, 2008). He is currently working on a monograph on Iosif and a critical translation of his Prosvetitel′, as well as preparing for publication the late Andrei Pliguzov’s collection of 268 documents, The Archive of the Metropolitans of Kiev and all Rus′.
About the book
September 9, 2015, marked the 500th anniversary of the passing of one of the most commanding and remarkable figures in Russian history, Iosif Volotskii. It was in his honor that our Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture held its biennial conference in March 2013, where the first drafts of this volume’s essays were presented. Steeped in traditions and sacred writings, Iosif would probably have approved of the subject matter of our first section that looks at early Eastern Church history. And as a passionate and engaged activist, he likely would have been curious about our middle section devoted to him and how some of his interests played out in early modern Russia in places where religion remained paramount, though our unavoidable secular approach would have left him cold. How he or any other zealous late medieval abbot, teacher, and father confessor would have related to the issues of our third section on our modern, technologically explosive era is impossible to fathom, except, probably to remind us, as he did his monks, of such timeless wisdom as “it is a great calamity where laws and canons do not dwell.”
“Centered on the figure of the influential Russian pastor, apologist, and ‘scholastic’ disputant of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Iosif Volotskii and Eastern Christianity surveys the field of Orthodox Christian Studies today. This wide-ranging collection not only opens out to consider Iosif’s interaction with his putative rival Nil Sorskii and his influence on both Patriarch Nikon and the latter’s opponents, the Old Believers; it reaches back to antecedents of Late Antiquity and forward to encounters with Enlightenment and Anti-Enlightenment modernism alike. Readers will find much of interest here in essays on topics ranging from natural contemplation and ‘pious forgeries’ in Greek patristics, to the utility in later medieval Russia of metal icons and fictive disputations alike, to the Church in modern Greek nationalism, Western Orientalism, and American fiction. An engrossing volume.”
―Robert Romanchuk, Florida State University.