About the Author
Dan Whitman, PhD Brown University, served in U.S. Embassies in Denmark, Spain, South Africa, Haiti, and Cameroon, with temporary posts in eight other African countries. Since retirement in 2009 from the State Department, he has taught courses in foreign affairs, oral history, and international communications at American and George Washington Universities.
His books include Kaidara: A Fulani Epic, Three Continents, 1988; Madrid Inside Out, Frank, 1992; One Step Up: A Guide to Stringed Instruments, with D. Basch, Halcyon, 1995; A Haiti Chronicle, Trafford, 2005; Blaming No One: blogs on arts, letters, policy, New Academia, 2012; Outsmarting Apartheid, SUNY Press, 2014; and Answer Coming Soon: more blogs, New Academia, 2016.
Dan WhitmanVellum, 2020
222 Pages, 30 photos
ISBN 978-1-7348659-0-5 Paperback
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About the Author
Dan Whitman, PhD Brown University, served in U.S. Embassies in Denmark, Spain, South Africa, Haiti, and Cameroon, with temporary posts in eight other African countries. Since retirement in 2009 from the State Department, he has taught courses in foreign affairs, oral history, and international communications at American and George Washington Universities.
His books include Kaidara: A Fulani Epic, Three Continents, 1988; Madrid Inside Out, Frank, 1992; One Step Up: A Guide to Stringed Instruments, with D. Basch, Halcyon, 1995; A Haiti Chronicle, Trafford, 2005; Blaming No One: blogs on arts, letters, policy, New Academia, 2012; Outsmarting Apartheid, SUNY Press, 2014; and Answer Coming Soon: more blogs, New Academia, 2016.
About the book
On African studies, one of lesser known topics is Congo-Brazzaville, “Republic of Congo.” Though dwarfed by its eastern neighbor Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa), ROC has a distinct identity and unique history. Aligned with the USSR during the Cold War, the country now is entirely open to other contacts, and in summer of 2018 welcomed the installation of a Voice of America transmitting tower in its capital. This book is a series of recollections of the Brazzaville the author new during the Cold War, and the contrasting attributes he found in 2018.