About the Author
Sabrina P. Ramet is a Professor of Political Science at the Norwegian University of Science of Technology in Trondheim, Norway, the author of twelve of scholarly books. Her first collection of verse, Pets of the Great Dictators & Other Works, was published by Scarith Books in 2006; her first novel, Cafe Bombshell: The International Brain Surgery Conspiracy, was published by Scarith Books in 2008.
Christine M. Hassenstab, who prepared the artwork for this volume, earned her PH.D. in sociology from the Norwegian University of Science & Technology in 2010. She was a public defender in a previous life. She and Sabrina hav a cat named Sasha, a sweet lovable ball of fluff.
CHEESE PIRATES: Humorous Rhymes for Adult Children
Sabrina P. RametScarith, 2010
186 Pages, 18 Illustrations by Christine M. Hassenstab
ISBN 978-0-9823867-8-1 Paperback
For BULK ORDERS, order directly from New Academia Publishing.
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About the Author
Sabrina P. Ramet is a Professor of Political Science at the Norwegian University of Science of Technology in Trondheim, Norway, the author of twelve of scholarly books. Her first collection of verse, Pets of the Great Dictators & Other Works, was published by Scarith Books in 2006; her first novel, Cafe Bombshell: The International Brain Surgery Conspiracy, was published by Scarith Books in 2008.
Christine M. Hassenstab, who prepared the artwork for this volume, earned her PH.D. in sociology from the Norwegian University of Science & Technology in 2010. She was a public defender in a previous life. She and Sabrina hav a cat named Sasha, a sweet lovable ball of fluff.
About the book
A volume of humorous verse, from epic poems on American and global history to the role of bunnies and kitties in high affairs.
“Joining acute analysis of world affairs with rhyme (and often song), Sabrina Ramet’s Chees Pirates is simultaneously uproarious, surprising, and insightful. From epic poems on American and global history of musings on the role of bunnies and kitties in high affairs, Cheese Pirates both amuses and forces you to ponder deeply the role of government and personality. A fine sequel to Ramet’s earlier compendium, Pets of Great Dictators, Cheese Pirates teasers as it stimulates reflection on the absurdities and the verities of politics, culture, and everyday life. Cheese Pirates is a singular read, and it will be a unique addition to any library-readers will turn to it again and again for inspiration.”
– Jerry Pankhurst, Wittenberg University
“This book embarrassed me. It caused me to laugh loudly and uncontrollably while using Norwegian public transportation.”
– Torbjørn Knutsen, The Norwegian University of Science & Technology
“This is an absolutely hilarious collection of rhymes, many of them set to well-known melodies. There are joyful verses celebrating life here, as well as bitingly satirical rhymes which provoke laughter at some of the abusrdities of political life. I laughed so hard reading these verses that it hurt.”
– Danica Fink-Hafner, The University of Ljubljana