About the Author
Sean Brawley is A/Professor of History at the University of New South Wales, Australia. Recent publications include Fighting Words: Competing Voices of the Pacific War (Greenwood, 2008); The Bondi Lifesaver: A History of an Australian Icon (ABC Books. 2007); and Conflict in the Pacific, 1937-1951 (Cambridge University Press, 2005). His recent work in Terrorism Studies has centered on the intersection between terrorism and sport.
DOOMED TO REPEAT? Terrorism and the Lessons of History
Sean BrawleyNew Academia Publishing, 2009
392 Pages, 10 Illustrations
ISBN 978-0-9818654-9-2 Paperback
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About the Author
Sean Brawley is A/Professor of History at the University of New South Wales, Australia. Recent publications include Fighting Words: Competing Voices of the Pacific War (Greenwood, 2008); The Bondi Lifesaver: A History of an Australian Icon (ABC Books. 2007); and Conflict in the Pacific, 1937-1951 (Cambridge University Press, 2005). His recent work in Terrorism Studies has centered on the intersection between terrorism and sport.
About the book
This volume marks an effort by a group of scholars and practitioners to provide a justification for the better understanding of Terrorism’s past and the importance of this past for today and tomorrow. The collection is divided into four sections. Section One places Terrorism Studies and the study of history in context and considers the connections between these fields of study. Section Two is written by non-historians and practitioners who have seen the importance of historical context and perspective in the understanding of current events. Section Three provides case studies that explore the history of terrorism and politically motivated violence. Section Four places concerns about terrorism in regional and foreign policy context.
“This collection helps us advance our understanding of terrorism beyond simplistic and dichotomist assertions about “them” and “us.”
–Chris Dixon, Professor, School of History, Philosophy, Religion, and Classics, The University of Queensland, Australia.
“This collection could not come at a more opportune time given the current preoccupation in government with Terrorism… It will set a benchmark by which future researchers will have to measure themselves.”
–Philip Dwyer, Director, Social and Cultural Conflict Research Group, University of Newcastle, Australia.
“By paying attention to national, regional and international phenomena, this collection will provide access to a breadth of historical perspectives and approaches that is uncommon in this field of studies.”
–Mark Finnane, Professor, ARC Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security, Griffith University, Australia.