About the Author
Louis Menashe is Professor Emeritus at Polytechnic Institute of New York University, where he held the Charles S. Baylis Chair in History, and headed the Department of Social Sciences. He has been a consultant to the film division of the Museum of Modern Art and to ABC-Television, and was Associate Producer for the award winning PBS documentaries, Inside Gorbachev’s USSR (1990) and In the Shadow of Sakharov (1991). He is a longtime contributor to, and Associate Editor of the film magazine, Cineaste.
MOSCOW BELIEVES IN TEARS: Russians and Their Movies
Louis MenasheNew Academia Publishing, 2011
420 Pages, 13 Illustrations
ISBN 978-0-9844062-0-3 Paperback
ISBN 978-0-9844062-4-1 Hardcover
ISBN 978-0-9845832-2-5 e-Book

$38.00 Hardcover
$9.99 e-Book
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About the Author
Louis Menashe is Professor Emeritus at Polytechnic Institute of New York University, where he held the Charles S. Baylis Chair in History, and headed the Department of Social Sciences. He has been a consultant to the film division of the Museum of Modern Art and to ABC-Television, and was Associate Producer for the award winning PBS documentaries, Inside Gorbachev’s USSR (1990) and In the Shadow of Sakharov (1991). He is a longtime contributor to, and Associate Editor of the film magazine, Cineaste.
About the book
This unique volume, written with a personal touch, highlights the important role that cinema can play for understanding Russian history, politics, culture and society.
“A marvelous panorama of Russian cinema since the glasnost of the 1980s…this accessible volume belongs in every serious film library.”
—Stuart Liebman, Choice.
“Menashe’s conversational, witty style brings alive the vanished Atlantis-like atmosphere of Soviet cinema better than any other book available in English.”
—Harlow Robinson, Northeastern University.
“This book is for the Russian movie aficionado—personal, pointed, funny, frank and full of all kinds of inside stories and political folk tales.”
—Hedrick Smith, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Russians and The New Russians.
“This sparkling collection of film reviews, essays and interviews with filmmakers is a cultural history of Russia over the past 25 years. Highly recommended to everyone interested in Russia and the movies.” —Denise J. Youngblood, University of Vermont.
“Menashe allows us to see both Russia’s present and her past through his crisp, clear and fresh lens of a true expert who loves the country and its films, but always remains critical enough to see their flaws and merits.”
—Birgit Beumers, University of Bristol.
“A great national cinema is explored in its myriad colors and textures. Not a traditional history, the book is an archive of insights captured across years of passionate viewing.”
“Menashe combines an encyclopedic knowledge of Russian history and society of the past 50 years with a broad-ranging and sensitive eye for cinematic meaning and detail.”