About the Author
Rev. James P. M. Walsh, SJ was a soft-spoken but larger-than-life member of the Georgetown University community. A Jesuit priest and a full professor in the Department of Theology, he taught Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew for decades. He also co-taught a course on “The Catholic Imagination,” where he developed many of the ideas found in this book as he gathered these eclectic, wide-ranging, and often wittily funny examples. From 2009-2012, Walsh joined the faculty at Georgetown’s campus in Doha, Qatar, demonstrating his nuanced and engaged commitment to interfaith dialogue in the Middle East and globally.
SEEING THINGS: How Your Imagination Shapes You and Your World
James P.M. Walsh, S.J., PhDNew Academia Publishing, 2016
136 Pages
ISBN 978-0-9966484-3-1 Paperback
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About the Author
Rev. James P. M. Walsh, SJ was a soft-spoken but larger-than-life member of the Georgetown University community. A Jesuit priest and a full professor in the Department of Theology, he taught Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew for decades. He also co-taught a course on “The Catholic Imagination,” where he developed many of the ideas found in this book as he gathered these eclectic, wide-ranging, and often wittily funny examples. From 2009-2012, Walsh joined the faculty at Georgetown’s campus in Doha, Qatar, demonstrating his nuanced and engaged commitment to interfaith dialogue in the Middle East and globally.
“In Seeing Things: How Your Imagination Shapes You and Your World, beloved theologian and teacher, Rev. James P.M. Walsh, S.J., shares with us the extraordinary resource of the imagination—how it animates our aspirations, our service, and a deeper connection to God and to one another.”
—Dr. John J. DeGioia, President of Georgetown University
“Rev. Walsh considered imagination central to lived religion in the broadest sense, namely the vision of the prophet, the exegesis of the theologian, the teaching of the professor, the preaching of the pastor, and the experiences of the student, the seeker and the believer.”
—Dr. David Goldfrank, Professor of History, Georgetown University
“This study is a fascinating presentation of how we imagine ourselves and the context of the world around us. Father Walsh’s long-standing commitment to helping his students and colleagues understand both elevates the text to a unique level of contemplation.”
—Dr. Ronald Johnson, Professor Emeritus of History, Georgetown University