About the Author
David Postles was Marc Fitch Research Fellow in the School of Historical Studies at the University of Leicester, where he has been a University Fellow in the School of English since 2005. He has published in Cambridge Law Journal, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Continuity and Change, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Journal of Historical Sociology, Journal of Medieval History, Agricultural History Review, Urban History, The Canadian Journal of History and Nottingham Medieval Studies.
SOCIAL DRAMA: Literature and Language in Early-Modern England
David A. PostlesNew Academia Publishing, 2010
192 Pages
ISBN 978-0-9828061-5-9 Paperback
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About the Author
David Postles was Marc Fitch Research Fellow in the School of Historical Studies at the University of Leicester, where he has been a University Fellow in the School of English since 2005. He has published in Cambridge Law Journal, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Continuity and Change, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Journal of Historical Sociology, Journal of Medieval History, Agricultural History Review, Urban History, The Canadian Journal of History and Nottingham Medieval Studies.
About the book
Although literature is often assumed to belong to the sphere of representation rather than constituting an accurate reflection of social reality, early-modern English drama can tell us much about social attitudes in the early Seventeenth century. The City comedies were, in particular, composed by authors who were embedded in the mundane social existence of London, in its quotidian transactions and exchanges, in its less salubrious contexts of debt, drinking, death and incarceration.Although the dramatists had slightly differing allegiances, their commentaries all illuminate ‘middling’ society in the City of London.
“This new work by David Postles raises important questions in an innovative manner. It will certainly be welcomed by the historical community.”
—Bernard Capp, FBA, Dept of History, University of Warwick
“David Postles is one of the most innovative social historians writing today.”
—Nigel Goose, Professor of Social and Economic History, University of Hertfordshire
“This book will be significant reading for all those working in the field. It will be warmly received by readers and reviewers, and will remain a work of reference for scholars and students for the future.”
— Greg Walker, Regius Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, University of Edinburgh