About the Author
Natalie Lobe’s poetry collection, Convers- ation with Abraham, was published in May 2012. Connected Voices was published in 2006 and Island Time in 2008. Heer poems have appeared in Slant, Jewish Currents, Comstock Review, California Quarterly, and others. Natalie has been a Poet in the Schools for the State of Maryland and Anne Arundel County. She taught poetry at Bates Middle School magnate arts program in Annapolis and teaches in a senior program at Anne Arundel Community College. She reviewed poetry for the Montserrat Review 2008-2011.
WHAT GYPSIES DON’T KNOW: A Collection of Poems
Natalie LobeScarith, 2018
82 Pages
ISBN 978-0-9995572-6-6 Paperback
For BULK ORDERS, order directly from New Academia Publishing.
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About the Author
Natalie Lobe’s poetry collection, Convers- ation with Abraham, was published in May 2012. Connected Voices was published in 2006 and Island Time in 2008. Heer poems have appeared in Slant, Jewish Currents, Comstock Review, California Quarterly, and others. Natalie has been a Poet in the Schools for the State of Maryland and Anne Arundel County. She taught poetry at Bates Middle School magnate arts program in Annapolis and teaches in a senior program at Anne Arundel Community College. She reviewed poetry for the Montserrat Review 2008-2011.
About the book
Lobe’s poems span a wide range of events from her personal life, and offer reflections on biblical stories, her children, her reading and her travels, turning every day observations into metaphors that reveal the world in a new light.
“Natalie Lobe is a seasoned poet so we welcome and applaud What Gypsies Don’t Know. Lobe’s poetry combines skill and compassion, showing the right balance of ideas, emotion, sensuality, and intuition. Each line holds the gift of thought and care; and this proportionality is evidence of her craft. A poet’s field of vision is her palette and those colors are her resource. Lobe showcases her world with wit, innuendo, and modesty. There’s star power in this premier volume and each poem is a living thing, refreshing and masterful. I’m a shameless admirer of Natalie Lobe’s poetry and I believe all readers will be as well.“
—Grace Cavalieri, “The Poet and the Poem from the Library of Congress”
“William Wordsworth wrote in the preface to his Lyrical Ballads that poetry should be written in the real language of common folk, rather than in the lofty and elaborate dictions that are often considered ‘poetic.’ One could argue about how successfully Wordsworth did that, but I want to argue that much of the brilliance of Natalie Lobe’s poetry is found in her ability to notice the profound in the ordinary. Spanning a wide range of events from a well-lived life, Lobe’s poems offer reflections on biblical stories, her children, her reading and her travels, etc. Each poem offers a nurturing morsel from life’s furrowed fields. Lobe’s keen eye turns every day observations into metaphors that offer insight and revelation. A sign of wisdom is an elder writing, “Me? I’m still in the dark,” because in the humanness of such honesty, there is light, and that kind of light fills this collection of poems with their genuine value for the reader.”
—Michael S. Glaser, poet Laureate of Maryland 2004-2009.